*Dusts off blog, vows to post more*
Hi! There seems to be a curious gap of silence between September and now. Ooops!
Without going into detail, I'll just say that it was a time in my life that I had to pick only the very most essential tasks in my days that I could devote my entire attention to. Blogging lost out, and so did I in a lot of ways. I hope to rectify that this year!
Hi! There seems to be a curious gap of silence between September and now. Ooops!
Without going into detail, I'll just say that it was a time in my life that I had to pick only the very most essential tasks in my days that I could devote my entire attention to. Blogging lost out, and so did I in a lot of ways. I hope to rectify that this year!
To catch up a little:
I saw some leaves fall.
I continued to work on Project 52 when I could.
I got to hang out with some of my favorite people.
I listened to some great music.
I decided to tackle another personal project [Project 366, since it's a leap year].
[ more here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/externalfocus/sets/72157628674119919/ ]
And have settled in for another fantastic year of Project 52. I hope you are all having an excellent start to 2012, and I hope to see you more of you in the months to come!
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