I just launched the redesign of my website and blog this morning, and am loving the way it looks and all works together! It was important for me to pare down my main website because not only do I really dislike having to maintain a big, bulky website, but .... External Focus Photography is becoming obsolete! You may have already noticed that this blog's address has changed to http://emthomasphotography.blogspot.com in anticipation for my new domain name on the website; it's in the works. I've gone as far as I wanted to with that work and branding, and am ready to fully move into the new direction that my photography has taken me.
I am in the processing of forming a new company with two very talented and wonderful photographer friends of mine, and I'm really excited about our future together! This is another reason why I felt it important to put my former site to rest, as well. I will still be maintaining Em Thomas Photography and this blog as my personal portfolio, and it will eventually be linked into our main business, Thomas Artus King Photography. As a creative group, we will be offering a variety of services ranging from wedding and event photography, commercial and corporate photography, as well as family portrait work. Look for us soon!
The redesign of my website and blog are based on a recent photography assignment from our Pro Project 52 group, run by Don Giannatti. Our assignment was based on "chocolate," and I spent half a day photographing and arranging various chocolatey goodies while my family paced in anticipation of a taste. Below are a few of the resulting photos from that day; I hope you enjoy them... and if they make you want chocolate... give in! ;)
A chocolatey redesign, and other big changes!
Categories :
brownie bites
milano slices
pepperidge farms
project 52
still life
5:57 PM
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