
Fleur de Sephora


perfume alternate

I say all of the time that I don't want to be a commercial photographer. The headache that goes along with getting The Shot in conjunction with my perfectionism and lack of equipment is sometimes mentally crippling. I sweat and curse for hours over a project that I imagine another person with the proper tools can have set up, taken down, and processed in a fraction of the time; maybe I am wrong in thinking that. So why do I keep plugging away at this project geared towards commercial photographers?

The above photos were taken on top of a kitchen table, using 2 regular household desk lamps and white foam core, and lots of swear words. I fiddled with the lighting for an hour and a half before I ever took a photo. I have learned how to "see" when I look at something now, where before I didn't know what to look for. I've learned that being resourceful is something that I will always be, and that's great, too. I've always heard the phrase, "write what you know," and "work with what you've got." I think when you learn how to see the difference between what's there and what needs to be there, the getting there starts to get easier. So, desk lamps and curse words be damned; I am going to get the job done, even to my own high expectations!


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